Wondrous Words Wednesday



Wondrous Words Wednesday is hosted by Kathy of BermudaOnion

I found the following word in Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier

Embrasure (Page 41): In the window embrasure beside the the table where the chieftain had been working stood a little old chest.


  1. An opening in a thick wall for a door or window, especially one with sides angled so that the opening is larger on the inside of the wall than on the outside.
  2. A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet.

[French, from embraser, to widen an opening.]

embrasured em·brasured adj.

9 Responses to “Wondrous Words Wednesday”

  1. Lisa notes... Says:

    I've never heard of embasure. Glad to learn something new today.

  2. C.B. James Says:

    Sounds like an excellent cite for an act of defenestration.

  3. rhapsodyinbooks Says:

    It's interesting that so many words relating to windows come from the French. I wonder if they were "known" for windows or something!

  4. Tea Says:

    I've never heard of embrasure either. I'm having a hard time picturing one. Is it like a wide window sill???http://readwithtea.blogspot.com/2009/12/wondrous-words-it-happened-one-night-by.html

  5. Margot at Joyfully Retired Says:

    Very interesting word this week. It's new to me.

  6. fredamans Says:

    Good word!!I have none this week.

  7. The Westie Loving Therapist Says:

    I have never heard of this word either and your definition gave me a great word picture. Thanks!

  8. bermudaonion Says:

    What a great word – it's new to me! Thanks for participating!

  9. onethebook Says:

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